Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have become the latest targets of trolls. The duo are being trolled and called ‘hypocrite’ for their latest social media activity. Sonakshi and Zaheer celebrated New Year’s Eve in Australia. As the clock midnight on January 1, 2025, Sonakshi and Zaheer welcomed the New Year in a picturesque location. They kissed and shouted, “Happy New Year,” and the fireworks dazzled the frame. Sonakshi shared the reel with the caption, “Humara Happy New Year ho gaya!!! Happyyyyyyy Newwwww Yearrrrrr from @sydney.”
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have become the latest targets of trolls. The duo are being trolled and called ‘hypocrite’ for their latest social media activity. Sonakshi and Zaheer celebrated New Year’s Eve in Australia. As the clock midnight on January 1, 2025, Sonakshi and Zaheer welcomed the New Year in a picturesque location. They kissed and shouted, “Happy New Year,” and the fireworks dazzled the frame. Sonakshi shared the reel with the caption, “Humara Happy New Year ho gaya!!! Happyyyyyyy Newwwww Yearrrrrr from @sydney.”
However, the netizens were not impressed with Sonakshi and Zaheer’s video. This is because an Instagram post resurfaced showing a Diwali message from the Dabangg actor. During Diwali 2024, the 37-year-old actor shared a story with a strong appeal: “This is what the air looks like. I want to ask all those people bursting crackers right now…are you’ll stupid or what?”Â
Sonakshi Sinha labelled as a “hypocrite” for celebrating New Year
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