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  • Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

I’m a medical professional and researcher. These are the treatments for COVID-19 that in fact work

I’m a medical professional and researcher. These are the treatments for COVID-19 that in fact work

I am a physician and a researcher at the University of Virginia. I take care of patients and perform research to find much better methods to detect and deal with transmittable diseases, consisting of COVID-19 Here I’m sharing what is understood about which treatments work, and which do not, for the brand-new coronavirus infection.

Bear in mind that this field of medicine is quickly evolving as our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 infection improves. So what I am writing today might change within days or weeks.

Below are the treatments that have been attempted and for which we have the best knowledge.

Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine: no evidence they work

There are three randomised controlled trials of hydroxychloroquine, all of which have actually stopped working to prove or disprove an advantageous or damaging effect on COVID-19 clinical course or clearance of virus. Offered this present lack of proof, these drugs, which typically are utilized to treat arthritis, need to only be used within the context of a regulated scientific trial.

Lopinavir/ritonavir: not helpful

The drug Lopinavir is an inhibitor of an enzyme called HIV protease which is involved in the production of viral particles. Protease inhibitors for HIV were innovative, resulting in our existing capability to effectively treat HIV. Lopinavir likewise can prevent enzymes that perform comparable functions as the HIV protease in the SARS and MERS coronaviruses Ritonavir increases the level of Lopinavir in the blood so the lopinavir/ritonavir mix was checked in a randomized controlled medical trial for COVID-19

Regrettably, there was no influence on the levels of virus in the throat or period of viral shedding, nor did

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