Image copyright
Charli Lello
Beep, Peep and Meep are Braddock White ducklings.
A female has actually hatched three ducklings called Beep, Peep and Meep from eggs she purchased in Waitrose.
Charli Lello, 29, from Hertfordshire, put the Clarence Court eggs in an incubator as an experiment to pass the time after being furloughed.
She stated the ducklings would live “a very happy life” with her pet chickens.
A Waitrose representative stated fertilised eggs were safe to consume and “totally indistinguishable” from normal eggs, unless bred.
Image copyright
Charli Lello
Charli Lello hatched the ducklings as an experiment to pass the time while furloughed from work.
Ms Lello, who usually works as an assistant supervisor in a store, understood after seeing a video on Facebook of somebody hatching quail eggs from a grocery store.
” While I was in Waitrose, I saw the duck eggs and thought maybe they would work. I was so fired up for them to hatch but I still had in the back of my mind that these are supermarket