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  • Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

Oakland School Board Votes To Eliminate Its Police Department


Jun 25, 2020 ,
Oakland School Board Votes To Eliminate Its Police Department

The school board in Oakland, California, all voted on Wednesday to dismantle the school district’s authorities department– making the district the latest to cut ties with police amidst across the country anti-racism protests.

At a school board meeting on Wednesday night, all seven board members voted in favor of the “George Floyd Resolution to Eliminate the Oakland School Police Department.” The resolution required a simple bulk to pass.

Oakland Unified School District has its own police department, with over 120 officers and other personnel operating in the district, which serves over 35,000 students, the majority of whom are Black and brown. Nineteen California school districts have their own police, including in Los Angeles

Given That across the country protests against bigotry and cops cruelty began in late Might after the cops killing of George Floyd, a number of school systems have cut ties with police, consisting of in Portland, Oregon, and in Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed. In San Francisco, throughout the bay from Oakland, the school board unanimously voted to get rid of authorities from its schools on Tuesday.

Nevertheless, the campaign to eliminate cops from Oakland schools started long before the current demonstrations. Organizers, moms and dads and trainees have actually been pushing for years for police-free schools. The Black Organizing Task began its campaign in 2011 afte

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