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  • Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Robert F Kennedy Jr reject sexual attack accusation: ‘I am who I am’

ByRomeo Minalane

Jul 3, 2024
Robert F Kennedy Jr reject sexual attack accusation: ‘I am who I am’

Robert F Kennedy Jr has actually reacted to a claims that he sexually attacked a worker by specifying: “I am not a church kid,” as examination grows over his long-shot run for the presidency. The independent prospect, who is viewed as a hazard by both the Biden and Trump projects, made the declaration after his previous sitter informed Vanity Fair that Kennedy attacked her at his home in 1998. Eliza Cooney, who worked for Kennedy and his then better half as a live-in baby-sitter at the household’s home in Mount Kisco, New York, stated Kennedy touched her leg at a company conference and later on appeared shirtless in her bed room before asking her to rub cream on his back. A couple of months later on, Kennedy obstructed Cooney in the cooking area “and started searching her”, Vanity Fair reported. Cooney informed the publication that Kennedy touched her wrongly. “My back was to the door of the kitchen, and he turned up behind me,” Cooney stated. “I was frozen. Surprised.” The attack was interrupted, Cooney stated, when a male employee went into the cooking area. Inquired about the sexual attack accusation on the Breaking Points podcast, Kennedy stated: “The [Vanity Fair] short article is a great deal of trash.” He included: “Listen, I have actually stated this from the start. I am not a church young boy. I am not running like that. “I stated in my … I had an extremely, really rowdy youth. I stated in my statement speech that I have a lot of skeletons in my closet that if, if they might all vote, I might run for king of the world. “So, you understand, Vanity Fair is recycling 30-year-old stories. And, I’m not, you understand, going to talk about the information of any of them. It’s, you understand, I am who I am.” Asked if he was rejecting that he attacked Cooney, Kennedy stated: “I’m not going to talk about it.” The Kennedy project did not react to a Guardian ask for remark. Cooney stated she kept the supposed attack trick up until the #MeToo motion triggered numerous ladies to come forward with stories of abuse in 2017. She informed her mom, and after Kennedy revealed his project for the presidency in 2023, Cooney informed 2 good friends and a legal representative, Elizabeth Geddes. Geddes did not react to an ask for remark. Kennedy, 70, at first ran versus Joe Biden for the Democratic election before introducing a project as an independent in October of in 2015. As the child of Robert F Kennedy, the United States senator for New York who was assassinated in 1968, and the nephew of John F Kennedy, who was assassinated while acting as president in 1963, Kennedy’s project drew prevalent attention however has actually been cluttered with debates. In July 2023, a video emerged of Kennedy making incorrect claims that Covid-19 was “ethnically targeted” to assault Black individuals and white individuals while sparing Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese individuals, while Kennedy has actually likewise declared that wifi triggers “leaking brain”. He has actually likewise connected antidepressants to school shootings, and in 2023 he declared that chemicals in water are making kids transgender. Kennedy, a previous ecological attorney, is ballot at 9.1% of the nationwide vote, according to FiveThirtyEight’s average, and is extremely not likely to win the presidency. Both the Biden and Trump projects fear he might pull votes away from them in crucial states. Kennedy will be on the tally in Michigan, an important swing state that the president won by 150,000 votes in 2020, and is working to get tally gain access to in Wisconsin, which Biden won by 20,000 votes.

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