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Russia, NATO at chances over pope’s require Ukraine to reveal ‘white flag’

ByRomeo Minalane

Mar 12, 2024
Russia, NATO at chances over pope’s require Ukraine to reveal ‘white flag’

Moscow stated the pope’s remark was ‘rather easy to understand’ while NATO stated ‘it’s not the time to discuss surrender’.

The Kremlin has actually stated Pope Francis’s require speak to end the war in Ukraine was “rather reasonable”, while NATO’s secretary general stated now was not the time to speak about “surrender”.

Pope Francis stated in an interview tape-recorded last month that Ukraine ought to have “the nerve of the white flag” to work out an end to a war that is now in its 3rd year.

As Russia makes gains on the battleground, the West faces how to support Ukraine and the possibility of a significant modification in United States policy if Donald Trump wins November’s governmental election.

“It is rather reasonable that he [the pope] spoke in favour of settlements,” Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov informed press reporters on Monday.

He stated Russian President Vladimir Putin had actually consistently stated his nation was open to peace talks.

“Unfortunately, both the declarations of the pope and the duplicated declarations of other celebrations, consisting of ours, have actually just recently gotten definitely severe rejections,” he stated.

Moscow’s deals to work out have actually usually been asserted on Kyiv quiting the area that Moscow has actually taken and stated to be part of Russia, totaling up to more than a sixth of Ukraine.

Peskov stated Western hopes of causing a “tactical defeat” on Russia were “the inmost misunderstanding”, including: “The course of occasions, mostly on the battleground, is the clearest proof of this.”

‘Not the time to discuss surrender’: Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated settlements that would protect Ukraine as a sovereign and independent country would just come when Putin understood he would not win on the battleground.

“If we desire a worked out, tranquil, enduring option, the method to arrive is to supply military assistance to Ukraine,” he informed the Reuters news company at NATO head office in Brussels.

Asked if this implied now was not the time to speak about a white flag, he stated: “It’s not the time to speak about surrender by the Ukrainians. That will be a disaster for the Ukrainians.”

“It will likewise threaten for everybody. Due to the fact that then the lesson discovered in Moscow is that when they utilize military force, when they eliminate countless individuals, when they attack another nation, they get what they desire,” he stated.

Pope Francis with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, at the Vatican, May 13, 2023 [Vatican Media/­Handout via Reuters]

On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed Pope Francis’s require talks with Russia as “virtual mediation” from a range.

In his nighttime video address, Zelenskyy did not straight describe Francis or his remarks, however stated the pope’s concepts had absolutely nothing to do with efforts by spiritual figures in Ukraine to assist the nation.

“They support us with prayer, with their conversation and with deeds. This is undoubtedly what a church with individuals is,” Zelenskyy stated.

“Not 2,500 km [1,550 miles] away, someplace, virtual mediation in between somebody who wishes to live and somebody who wishes to damage you.”

Zelenskyy, who signed a decree in 2022 dismissing talks with Putin, stated recently that Russia will not be welcomed to a peace top due to be kept in Switzerland.



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