It’s been over 48 hours since Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence, and the Mumbai police are still on the hunt for the assailant. Investigators are leaving no stone unturned, reviewing CCTV footage from nearby railway stations and scanning databases of known offenders. They’re also exploring informers and history sheets that match the suspect’s description.
It’s been over 48 hours since Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence, and the Mumbai police are still on the hunt for the assailant. Investigators are leaving no stone unturned, reviewing CCTV footage from nearby railway stations and scanning databases of known offenders. They’re also exploring informers and history sheets that match the suspect’s description.
New CCTV footage has emerged, claiming to show the timeline of the accused’s escape. According to the footage, the accused was spotted roaming around Bandra until 7 am. Following the attack on Saif Ali Khan at Sadguru Sharan building in Khar West, the suspect fled on foot and then took an auto to Bandra railway station, where he was again caught on CCTV.
In the morning, the accused travelled from Bandra to Dadar, stopping at a mobile shop before departing from the Dadar terminal at 9 am. He then boarded a long-distance train to Palghar.
January 18, 2025
The police think the attacker is a ‘hardened criminal’ because he changed his clothes to hide his identity. At first, came
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