The first single, “Sawadeeka,” from the film Vidamuyalchi has been released, sparking excitement among Ajith’s ardent fans. Scheduled for a grand Pongal release, Vidamuyalchi has been generating immense buzz, with fans eagerly anticipating Ajith’s return to the big screen after three years since Thunivu. The teaser and the song have heightened expectations, especially with Ajith’s graceful dance moves gaining widespread praise on social media. In an exclusive interview, renowned choreographer Kalyan Master shares his experience working on the film and sheds light on Ajith’s commitment and resilience.
Classy Moves in “Sawadeeka”
“The fans have been eagerly waiting for Vidamuyalchi, and their expectations are sky-high,” Kalyan Master begins. “Many hoped to see Ajith sir perform energetic moves in a traditional setting. However, ‘Sawadeeka’ is a refined, classy song with Ajith sir in a coat and suit. Initially, I was unsure how fans would react to the slow-paced choreography, but their overwhelming response has proven me wrong.”
The song was filmed over four days in Thailand under the direction of Magizh Thirumeni. “Magizh Thirumeni is an exceptionally talented director. He gave me full creative freedom, saying, ‘Neenga kalakunga, Kalyan.’ The result is a sophisticated song that perfectly complements the movie’s tone. Ajith sir’s movements, combined with Anirudh’s music, have been highly praised. The chemistry between Ajith sir, Magizh Thirumeni, and Anirudh has brought a unique flair to the film.”
Ajith’s Unwavering Dedication
Kalyan Master fondly recounts Ajith’s dedication. “Ajith sir is known for his hard work and perseverance. During the shoot of ‘Sawadeeka,’ he had a fever of 102 degrees and was coughing persistently. Despite our insistence on him resting, he prioritized the team, saying, ‘There are 40 dancers and so many technicians depending on this. I’ll be back in half an
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