Are we going to be OK? I am asked this, as a cofounder, in many different methods by many individuals, every day. Individuals have a boundless desire to hear that they are OKAY. It makes better material than anything on HBO. We hold an all-company videoconference and set up a slide that says “We are OKAY.” That slide is better than Game of Thrones
And we, suggesting our little software studio, are, up until now. My cofounder is a real war refugee from Lebanon. He guards the company as if it’s a town under siege. Now his fear looks more like knowledge. Since we are a village under siege. Workers get on a big videoconference, dozens of them in little panels onscreen, and share their houseplants. Kids, pet dogs, cats, birds, and partners wander in and out of the frame.
May2020 Register For WIRED
The first thing coronavirus kills is irony, at least at the level of management.
At night, in my uncomfortable bedroom office, after Slack has gone to bed, I turn to this one Wikipedia page that notes the earliest extant business. The older the culture, the older the business, with Japan in the l