Actor, politician and singer Ravi Kishan of the Oscar nominated film Lapata Ladies brightened the stage on the last day of Sahitya Aaj Tak. Ravi has done 750 films, meanwhile he has contributed to many types of cinema. Ravi told that I am the son of a priest, used to do theatre, used to play the role of Sita in Ramlila. He also got beaten by his father. It is because of the love of the people that we have achieved this position.
Ravi told that in his career of 34 years, I fought for my identity. Watched films in all languages and also on TV. Then Kiran Rao came into my life, who gave me Missing Ladies. Now it is visible that Ravi Kishan is struggling a lot behind this. Now I have explored the streets of Bombay, which you call Mumbai, in slippers. Many youths meet and ask, what will happen to us? I would like to tell you that there is no godfather, no one helped me. But I knew that one day the sun would rise for me too. Mahadev has kept me here, Missing Ladies has taken me to the Oscars, now I am sitting on the stage of Sahitya Aaj Tak.
Kiran Rao opened different departments
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Ravi said – I am revealing for the first time, people say that from where are you so organic, whenever you come on screen, you give fresh scenes. So let me tell you that I learn from you people, I read you only. That’s what works for me. So I met an officer in Bihar, he was like that. I adopted her character in Missing Ladies, I kept her in my mind. He used to speak in the same way as I used to speak with a betel leaf in my mouth after becoming a police officer. It is said that a woman director is very important in life, whether she is a wife or a mother, it is necessary, it is good. Had any man been there, he would have told me to slap him and become a hero. But no Kiran Rao, she had so much influence which was within the ambit of law.
Bhojpuri needs to be respected
Along with this, Ravi Kishan has also done commentary for IPL Bhojpuri. Here too he was praised a lot. Ravi said- I had done all that knowingly. When I added a fun element in Bhojpuri to what was considered a classy place, I got applause. When I was in Mumbai, people used to say that he is a vegetable seller, a milk seller. So I thought that one day I will give it respect. I was the one who started the third phase of Bhojpuri industry. But the Bhojpuri actor told that he is very unhappy with his junior actors these days. They have lowered its level. Bhojpuri is a dialect spoken by 25 crore people. Very proud of this. I have also introduced a bill to give it a different importance.
“I had no money earlier, worked hard day and night, made money, created an industry. I did Tere Naam with Salman Khan. But otherwise I would have remained a character artist. I didn’t want to die an anonymous death. I want the neighbors to know me but also other people. I don’t want to die without any identity. It is also important to return what you have taken from nature. So learn, earn and give back. I also took knowledge from my father, he is my guru. By becoming an MP, I help people, do politics selflessly, run my house with the money from shooting. This is where we have learned from Prime Minister Modi ji and Chief Minister Yogi ji.
What is the meaning of the slogan if you unite, you will remain, if you are divided, you will be divided?
Ravi Kishan said – Why were we only told that you are a Brahmin, be it Kushwaha, be this or that, why is it not told to the rest of the community. If I am an MP, I can say, I avail the benefits of Ayushman Yojana by giving a letter. I get treatment under the Prime Minister’s Scheme. So when the turn comes to vote, why doesn’t even one turn up? I don’t even know why this is the case with votes? Then Yogi ji said, Maharaj ji said that if you remain united, you will be safe, if you divide, you will be destroyed. Why just talk about riots, when you vote, do it as a Hindu, no different from this. We should not scatter among ourselves. We have to take India forward.
Ravi Kishan also answered the public’s questions and told that in 2047 you will see how much development India has done. Never fall prey to caste, never fall into any fear. Respect everyone, neither you are a Pandit nor you are a Pasi, so do not fall into the trap of any caste. Be united and respected as one. My only wish is that the missing ladies get an Oscar.