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The NSW coronavirus figure that has health experts worried

The NSW coronavirus figure that has health experts worried


March 24, 2020 08: 39:34

In the middle of the sea of coronavirus data, and an exponential increase in cases in NSW, there’s one number that has specialists especially fretted.

Between March 14 and 22, the total COVID-19 infections in Australia’s most populous state increased from 112 to 669, consisting of a boost of 276 cases where transmission took place overseas.

However throughout that duration, the number of cases in which the source is unidentified increased from 11 to 65– a 491 per cent boost.

Why are specialists watching this number?

Public health physician and clinical epidemiologist at the University of Newcastle, Craig Dalton, said the stat was particularly distressing.

” Epidemiologists are really worried when they see a rising

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