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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Trump’s Might 1 target too positive for U.S. coronavirus reopening, Fauci says


Apr 15, 2020 #Fauci, #reopening
Trump’s Might 1 target too positive for U.S. coronavirus reopening, Fauci says

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s May 1 target for restarting the economy is “extremely positive,” his top contagious disease consultant stated on Tuesday, after a battle emerged in between Trump and state governors over who has the power to raise constraints focused on curbing the coronavirus pandemic.

Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said public health officials must have the ability to evaluate for the infection rapidly, separate new cases and track down brand-new infections prior to social-distancing constraints can be eased.

Trump’s administration has actually advised stay-at-home guidelines through the end of April, and Trump has actually floated May 1 as a possible date to begin reopening some locations.

That date might be “a bit overly positive,” Fauci, who has become a relied on national figure during the pandemic, said in an interview with the Associated Press.

Trump, a Republican running for re-election on Nov. 3, lashed out at Democratic state guvs, suggesting they were “mutineers” after New York’s Andrew Cuomo stated he would decline any order by the president to resume the economy too soon.

” If he bought me to reopen in a manner that would endanger the public health of individuals of my state, I wouldn’t do it,” Cuomo informed CNN early in the day, describing Trump.

At a press conference later, Cuomo added, “We don’t have a king in this nation, we have a Constitution and we choose the president.”

The coronavirus restrictions have actually paralyzed the U.S. economy – with companies forced to close and million of Americans ending up being

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