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Weinstein trial witness affirms accuser showed no distress on day of alleged rape


Feb 11, 2020 ,
Weinstein trial witness affirms accuser showed no distress on day of alleged rape

New York City (Reuters) – A previous buddy of Jessica Mann, among the accusers in the Harvey Weinstein rape trial, informed jurors on Monday that Mann did disappoint any indications of distress on the day the previous Hollywood producer apparently attacked her.

Weinstein, 67, has pleaded not guilty to charges in New York of raping Mann and to sexually assaulting previous production assistant Mimi Haleyi.

Mann affirmed earlier in the trial that Weinstein raped her in a Manhattan hotel room one morning in March2013

Brazilian-born actress Talita Maia told the jury on Monday that she invested the rest of that day with Mann, and that Mann did not say anything about the rape accusation or reveal any indication of distress.

Maia stated she was affirming against her desires under a subpoena from Weinstein’s legal representatives.

Considering That 2017, more than 80 women have actually accused Weinstein of sexual misbehavior.

The former producer, who lagged films including “The English Patient” and “Shakespeare in Love,” has actually rejected any nonconsensual sex.

His trial is a turning point for the #MeToo m

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