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Dési Bouterse has actually been president because2010
Mr Bouterse stated he was positive of winning a 3rd consecutive term.
Desi Bouterse’s path to power
1980 Leads a military coup and overthrows the elected government
1980-1987 As Armed force Council chairman he successfully runs Suriname
1990 Backs a military coup which overthrows the president
2010 Becomes president after his party wins most seats
2015 Re-elected president after his party narrowly wins election
Source: BBC Monitoring
He first came to political prominence when he led 15 follow non-commissioned officers in overthrowing the federal government of Henck Arron, the very first to lead Suriname after self-reliance from the Netherlands.
In his function as National Armed force Council chairman, he was Suriname’s de facto leader for much of the 1980 s.
What was he founded guilty of?
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