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  • Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

‘Zombie firms’ and ‘financial slopes’: the economy’s next stage will be steep and rocky


Jul 21, 2020 #phase, #steep
‘Zombie firms’ and ‘financial slopes’: the economy’s next stage will be steep and rocky

How hard will the reductions in JobKeeper and JobSeeker struck intake, and will they deepen the COVID recession– or at least slow the recovery?

Those are the big concerns posed by the revised wages aids and income support measures announced by the Prime Minister and the Treasurer.

The crucial presumption behind the choice to install a staged decrease in the salaries aids that have actually supported almost a million businesses and 3.5 million employees since March, and the significantly increased benefits for the unemployed, is that throughout the coming months there will be more work readily available.

It was the Prime Minister’s continuous theme in revealing the brand-new measures.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks in the PM's courtyard.

The talk of a “snap back” to service as normal has actually vanished from the Prime Minister’s lexicon.( ABC News: David Sciasci)

That there will be more jobs and more earnings for companies and employees “as the economy improves”.

That services will be in a position to pay workers more, supplementing JobKeeper, as demand climbs.

That individuals cast out of work by the COVID economic downturn will be able

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