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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Government delays choice on States’ GST fees till July


Jun 13, 2020 #decision, #states
Government delays choice on States’ GST fees till July

GST collections in the previous 2 months have actually just reached 45%of the target quantity, Financing Minister Nirmala Sitharaman stated here on Friday. She was speaking after a GST Council conference where State Finance Ministers were provided a discussion on the issue.

Provided the shortfall in earnings, the council will meet again in July to discuss the concern of compensation cess and charges to States, and the possibility of borrowing money from the marketplace to meet these charges.

The council approved a variety of procedures to alleviate tax compliance, including reduction in late costs for previous returns, and COVID-19 associated relief for small tax payers for the duration between February and July 2020 supplied returns are submitted by September.

Inquired About the States’ issue relating to a decline in revenues compared to the targeted amounts in the past 2 months, Ms. Sitharaman stated: “The States saw the discussion. They understood what all the collections were. It wa

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